• 16:30 – 17:30 Uhr
  • Online

QITA handbook for language and multilingualism in kindergartens

This event introduces the handbook "QITA - Quality in bi- and multilingual early childhood education. Handbook for language and multilingualism" which was developed in the context of the QITA project funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung. We discuss ideas on how to implement the QITA handbook in early childhood education and will present the QITA toolkit. The focus of this talk will be on factors influencing bi- and multilingual language development, in particular the role of input quality and quantity and interaction. https://www.fmks.eu/veranstaltungen-mehrsprachigkeit.html

Invited speakers: Nadine Kolb, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Her research focuses on heritage language bilingualism, child second and third language acquisition and multilingual education. She has been collaborating with the fmks since 2015. She was the principal investigator of QITA and is the co-author (with Uta Fischer) of the QITA handbook for language and multilingualism for early childhood education.

Jorge González Alonso, a postdoctoral research fellow at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. His research focuses on the acquisition of a third or further language by bilinguals of different types (sequential, early and late, simultaneous, etc.). He has worked with speakers of English, Spanish, Basque, Polish, Russian and Norwegian.

Questions, comments and suggestions for the event on June 24 are welcome. Please send an e-mail to nadine.kolb@uit.no

Eine Veranstaltung des fmks / Verein für frühe Mehrsprachigkeit an Kindertageseinrichtungen und Schulen aus der Reihe "Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance". In englischer Sprache. www.fmks.eu

Die Zugangsdaten für die kostenlose Teilnahme werden kurz vor der Veranstaltung an Angemeldete verschickt.

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